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rff facts and figures

When you choose a strong partner, you can also rely on the facts. We are happy to provide an insight into the figures for rff – so that you know the basis for our co-operation.

sqm of covered warehouse space

tons Storage capacity

Employee (2-2024)


Year of foundation

Turnover in euro (2023)

Management Board

Michael Allexi
Managing Director / Sales and Marketing

Management Board

Jörg Delveaux
Managing Director / Material Management

Management Board

Dieter Revink
Division Manager Finances and HR / Compliance Officer

Management Board

Thomas Büssenschütt
Division Manager Organisation and Digitalisation


Thomas Kutschker
Head of Purchasing


Jens Fuhrken
Head of QM, EM, OHS / DPO and Law

Facts and figures
Managing Director / Sales and Marketing Michael Allexi
Managing Director / Material Management Jörg Delveaux
Division Manager Finances and HR /
Complicane Officer
Dieter Revink
Division Manager Organisation and Digitalisation Thomas Büssenschütt
Head of Purchasing Thomas Kutschker
Head of QM, EM, OHS / DPO and Law Jens Fuhrken
Year of foundation 1976
Employees 400 - as of 2-2024
Trainees 17 - as of 2-2024
Legal form GmbH (Ltd company)
Commercial register Walsrode, HRB 110184
Equity 10,110,000 €
Total asset 2023 109,200,000 €
Tax number 46 / 201 / 08765
VAT number DE116634545
DUNS 31-587-5336
Bank details BIC
Kreissparkasse Syke BRLADE21SYK
Liability insurance / Limit of liability Generali 15,000,000 €
Turnover 2023 184,000,000 €
  2022 171,000,000 €
  2021 129,000,000 €
Office space 16,000 m²
Covered warehouse space 45,000 m²
Inventory 14,000 t
'rff is a strong company that supports its customers via the provision of high-quality products and tailored service'
Jörg Delveaux, Managing Director / Material Management

Well organised – the corporate structure of rff

Since 1976, rff has grown to become a qualified trading company with links throughout the world. You can rest assured that your orders are in good hands with rff. Precise organisation is key to this. Because if you are going to be organising for others, you need to be well organised yourself.




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