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Alloy surcharges for January 2025

We publish monthly updates of the alloy surcharges for seamless and welded pipes, steel tubings, sheet metals and pipe equipment. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are looking for historical figures.

Our database includes all the values that we have published since 2007. We also provide a series of useful downloads with values for the current and previous year. Diagrams help analyse developments over a longer period.

Current values sorted by materials / product groups

All surcharges in euro per kg. Basis is the theorectical weight. All informations are subject to change.

Alloy surcharges since 2007

Weight calculator for pipes

Weight calculator for pipes

The weight calculator for pipes

Calculate theoretical weights for pipes, round steel, square and rectangular tubes, as well as flat steel and sheet metal.

Pipe connections DIN EN

Pipe connections DIN EN

Database for pipe connections DIN / DIN EN

Here you will find all dimensions and weights for flanges according to DIN EN 1092-1 as well as elbows, tees and reducers according to DIN EN 10253.